Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Simple Thing no. 3: Passing on Something You Love

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Today's post is rather short, as I am in between teaching fiddle lessons and rehearsal for a show.  

Simple thing no. 3 is related to fiddle teaching - the simple joy of passing on something you love to another person.   I am extremely fortunate to have a job that I love.  Every week, I get to share my passion for music with a bunch of great kids.  It isn't always easy, but it is the most rewarding thing I do all day. When you really love something, and you get to share it with someone else, it's one of the coolest things ever.  Every time a student gets excited about fiddle music, or learns a new tune, it just reminds me about the benefits of passing on experience.  It's one thing to learn a skill yourself, but another to help someone else learn it.  You're spreading the love for whatever your "thing" is - be it music, bowling, rug making, or birdwatching.  That's how things grow.

Have a great evening!

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