Saturday 7 December 2013

Simple Thing no. 6: Live Theatre

It's no secret that I love theatre. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember - longer, maybe.  Growing up, the stage was never far away.  I love it so much that I've decided to study it in university (saying that on the internet scares me a bit). Every chance I get I either like to be in a play or to watch one. This weekend is the perfect combination of both.

Last night I had the opportunity to go and see the Globe Theatre's Christmas production of Sleeping Beauty. It's been a tradition in my family to go and see a Globe Theatre play every December since I was five. In fact, it was a production of the The Wizard of Oz that inspired me to pursue theatre as a career... but more on that later!  The majority of shows have been fantastic, and Sleeping Beauty was no exception. I twist on the traditional tale, this play offers many, many surprises. Talented artists from Saskatchewan and across Canada worked to put together a great production. I can't say much more without spoiling the story, but I will share on highlight.  It was the climax of the play, when the prince is in despair about how to restore Sleeping Beauty to life. The tension built, until a small voice from the audience cried "Just kiss her!". The crowded erupted into laughter at this completely unplanned line. But that's my favourite part about live theatre - the unpredictability, and the way it captures the imagination of the viewer. I highly recommended seeing this show if you have the chance.

I also just finished being in a show! My community theatre is in the middle of a run of Christmas at the Bar Humbug Ranch, the annual retelling of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. Seriously, I've been in like nine different versions of that story. Even though I've done it so many times, each year is unique. Christmas at the Bar Humbug Ranch places the characters in the old west, complete with an Elmer Fudd-esque Scrooge. The show came together against the odds, and was a universal hit (I even managed a pretty rad step dancing sequence...)!

So my weekend so far has been filled with lots of awesome things. Hope yours is too!

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